Pink START Sticker (Breast Cancer Action)


That's right, it's October! And it's PINK! But here's the thing, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a complex subject. Many of the companies that promote and sell products during October utilizing pink and under the banner of Breast Cancer Awareness aren't necessarily helping the situation. So I'm asking you to think about what you are doing before you engage with these companies. I support Breast Cancer Action and their work to unravel this complex web. This is why I’m donating 10% of the proceeds of sales of these items to Breast Cander Action.

If you’d like to know more about them, you can go to their site:

Here’s a little bit on their perspective:

“In mainstream U.S. culture, breasts are linked to femininity, sexuality, and attractiveness. As a result, breast cancer is a highly sexualized and gendered disease. As a feminist organization with roots in the women’s health movement, we challenge the narrow definitions of femininity, womanhood, and sexuality that mainstream narratives about breast cancer impose on people at risk of and living with the disease. We recognize and honor the many ways people express their gender identity, including outside of the either/or of man/woman. We work to challenge mainstream assumptions about gender and sexuality as it relates to breast cancer risk, diagnosis, and treatment in order to make room for people of all gender identities in the breast cancer movement.

In our work for health justice, we strive to practice principled allyship by using the power and privilege we hold as an organization to build solidarity with communities who currently and/or traditionally have had less access to power, information, and resources.

There are differences in how specific communities experience and are impacted by breast cancer incidence, mortality and survival. These disparities in breast cancer stem from a complex interplay of economics, power, racism and discrimination that lead to a variety of social injustices, including major inequities in healthcare.“